Timeless Stingray

One of a kind handbags and accessories

A Brief History of Stingray Leather

Marilyn LoveComment

For centuries stingray leather has been appreciated for its many qualities including its strength, beauty and durability. Cultures as varied as ancient Japan, ancient Egypt and 18th century France all had artisans who worked to produce stingray leather items for the most affluent and stylish persons in their respective civilizations. Let’s take a quick back at stingray leather through the centuries.

Ancient Egypt

Artisans widely used stingray skin to create armor and other items in Ancient Egypt. Indeed, stingray leather has even been found in the tombs of ancient pharaohs beside their most treasured possessions. (The ancient Egyptians believe that they would need their worldly goods - including their slaves - in the afterlife.) Finally, the Egyptians believed that the mark left by the dorsal fin bone was a sign of good luck.

Ancient Japan

The Samurais of ancient Japan used stingray leather in the armor they wore. This made their armor virtually impenetrable to the weapons of the times. Plus, stingray leather had the very practical advantage of being lightweight when compared to metal and resistant to punctures, slashes and abrasions. Additionally, the infamously strong Katana sword that the Samurais used to dispatch their foes also had an element of stingray leather built around them.

18th Century France

During France of the 1800s French artisans fashioned stingray skin into sheaths, wing cases, snuff boxes, etc., which were exclusively used by royalty such as Louis XV. Later in the same century and English artisan named John Paul Cooper mass produced artifacts made from this leather including handbags, belts, etc.

Modern Times

Today, stingray leather is still highly coveted and appreciated for its durability and luxurious look. Methods of mass producing the leather have of course improved since the John Paul Cooper’s time but so too have people who have sought to flood the market with counterfeits. Our company is a legal importer of stingray leather and has applied for and received a Fish and Wildlife license so that we may legally import items made of this unique and beautiful leather. Be wary of other retailers who claim to sell authentic stingray leather goods.

In our modern age we sometimes believe that current trends are just that - current. We tend to believe that we discovered a great many items that indeed have a distinct lineage that goes back to our ancient ancestors. Stingray leather is one item that dispels this notion as you have read. Its beauty, strength and durability have been appreciated for centuries. So, the next time you purchase stingray leather goods such as a stingray wallet for men, remember how our forebears appreciated luxury every bit as much as we do today.